Symptoms: Log entries in the Application Control can appear truncated if the associated path, key, or value is long. SEP Application Control log entries are truncated if it is longer than 512 characters Solution: Added support for compressed strings in DNS reverse response packets. Symptoms: SEP firewall is not resolving DNS under certain conditions. SEP Firewall reverse DNS lookup is not resolving the DNS name Solution: Updated the format to ensure the value is passed in the correct form. Symptoms: Local MAC field in client logging is showing an invalid format. Invalid MAC addresses listed in network logs when Risk Tracer is enabled Solution: Corrected an intermittent problem where Windows would hang on the first reboot after migrating Symantec Endpoint Protection. Symptoms: Windows hangs on the first reboot post migration. Windows Server 2012 R2 hangs at login after a client upgrade and the first reboot Solution: Updated the API used to get the correct value. Symptoms: Clients check-in to the Default Group using the sAMAccountName instead of the UPN. Solution: Resolved a scenario that prevented the removal of a handle to the WER folders.ĪD synchronization imports OU User userPrincipalName while clients check in using sAMAccountName
Symptoms: WER folders are not deleted on logoff.
SEP prevents user profile WER folders from being deleted at logoff